I am…
Success Criteria
Use a thesaurus to choose the best vocabulary
Choose the best nouns for the poem
Choose the best adjectives to describe some nouns
Leave the reader thinking about your poem by sharing what it inside you
I am a good werker
I wonder who I am
I hear my saf (myself) whispering soons(sounds)
I see my souf (myself) as a good rugby player
I want to learn in my own ways
I am a good thinker
I pretend I am in the world cup
I feel so hapey when we go wild pig hunting
I touch my pupeas(puppies) boling taoll (tail)
I worry about my lerning
I cry when I am hert
I am smart
I understand what wiae to go in rugby
I say yes in my head when I get my lerning done
I dream of my salf Doing eksis (exercise)
I try my hardist at all times
I hope it is the best werk
I am a orsim werker
I have been working on a poem about me
I am proud of my I am poem because I chos(chose) the best werds(words).